Everything we do wrong attracts negative things.
When I say: everything we do wrong attracts negative things people soon think that it refers to doing evil to our neighbor, alias, we reap what we sow, however, we can do wrong in different ways without causing evil to the next, as lying, being uneducated, disobedient, breaking a rule or law, disrespect to the neighbor, being prejudiced, among other situations.
When I say: everything we do wrong attracts negative things people soon think that it refers to doing evil to our neighbor, alias, we reap what we sow, however, we can do wrong in different ways without causing evil to the next, as lying, being uneducated, disobedient, breaking a rule or law, disrespect to the neighbor, being prejudiced, among other situations.
A politician once said the following phrase: worse than this does not happen, and it is not so because everything that does wrong attracts negative things and negative things attracts negative things, we can see that in some developed countries people respect rules and laws in a large majority, few hear of crimes, people are generous and educated, quality and health education among other qualities, and on the contrary, in countries where corruption is heard, the crime rate is high, people are not respect rules and laws, bad salary, bad people and violent, in fact, worse than this is yes, why bad things attract bad things, depression leads to depression.
My sons and daughters, we can change all this by doing it right, you can even have prejudice with something, but the question is how do you deal with the situation, with repose, or doing the wrong thing ?, you never realized that some Sometimes people put us like villains and put themselves as victims, as if we were doing something wrong ?, or, who never felt anger in such a situation, and lost the reason, what I want to say is that they want to make us go wrong and so attract negative things to ourselves, I do not care and should not mind your color, sexual choice, social class, if you respect the rules and laws, and reapeitar next, you will be making a better environment, a more human environment, and everything will work out for you.
The greater to love against those who want our evil is the own maldede because everything he does wrong will attract negative things to himself, but of course if you do everything right.